Vuka Zinzele Upholstry & Trimming (Vuka)


Our core business is vehicle trimming and furniture uphostry.

Benefits of doing business with us:

We are a 100% Black owned concern that has a BEE Staus level 4 with a subsequent 100% BEE Procurement recognition level. In helping us to grow our business you may claim points benefits under element 6 (Enterprise Development) of the QSE- or Generic BBBEE Scorecard. Our quality is second to none in industry.


Our contact details.

Physical Address:

Cnr Helen & Taljaard Street
Hermanstad, Pretoria, Gauteng

Postal Address:

P.O.Box 283, Central Pretoria,
Pretoria, 0001, Gauteng

Tel: +27 12 942 8422
Fax: +27 12 379 3142
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Person Name: Elsie Nkhumise
Contact Cellphone: +27 82 399 0890

We would like to hear from you.